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The Importance Of Visitor Management

Visitor management is the process where all guests at a building or organization are greeted, acknowledged and registered so they can be moved along to the right place and right person that allows them to complete their task.

In some cases, these guests might be high-profile area managers or corporate representatives that a business is looking to impress. In other cases, they might be members of the public signing in to use an organization’s services, in which case the visitor management system is part of their customer experience.

These guests might also be tradespeople, delivery people or salespeople who are looking to quickly access the right area of a building or person in order to do their job.

In all instances, the effective welcome and management of the guest sets the tone for the experience they will receive at an organization and the impression they will take away about its values and customer service.

A Tablet-Based Visitor Management System Versus Paper

Up until the digital age, visitor management relied on paper, requiring a person to greet guests, prompt them to sign in and record the reason for their visit, then direct to the person or area of the business they were seeking to visit.

It’s an effective way of welcoming someone to an organization, but not so effective when it comes to time management and record keeping.

Instead of this paper-based method, a tablet-based visitor management system sees iPads or tablets installed at reception to welcome guests to a venue. These are installed with widely available visitor management software systems, which then prompt visitors to record a number of details.

This information includes:
• Date
• Check-in time
• Name
• Phone number, email address and other pertinent contact information as requested
• Reason for visiting
• Person being met
• Check-out time, if required

In addition, the software can also then direct the guest to the right area, notify the host that their guest has arrived, send emails to the guest, prompt e-signatures, and more.

And, in performing all these tasks automatically and electronically, a tablet-based visitor management system offers a wealth of benefits to business.

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Benefits Of A Tablet-Based Visitor Management System

In addition to ensuring a business meets visitor registration requirements, a tablet-based visitor management system offers greater efficiency and economy to a business.

Its benefits include:

Customer Satisfaction

When your business welcomes guests efficiently, promptly and professionally it sets the immediate tone for the experience a customer can expect at your organization while still keeping your staff and operation safe by tracking who is in attendance.

Improved Security

Because a tablet-based visitor management system is immediate, automatic and can be accessed remotely, it allows your organization to track who is on the premises in real-time and why they are there.

Most importantly, a tablet-based visitor management system is highly accurate, and in an age where security is more critical at many facilities than ever before, accuracy and insight are increasingly critical.

Time Savings

Whether you have a full-time staff member who mans the front desk, or various staff members who meet and greet, a tablet-based visitor management system offers guests a uniform experience without the hassle of staff recording details or promoting visitors to sign in.

It saves staff time, which ultimately improves their productivity in other areas of the business.

Labor Savings

On a similar note it, saves staff labor, including the reconciling, tracking and recording of guests at the premises.

Cost Savings

Manual visitor recording might seem like a small task, but it is one that adds up over time. When your business is operating efficiently, and your staff are not waylaid by menial tasks, it can save your business very real money.

Meanwhile, there may be costs which are harder to measure like a breach of security.

Paper Reduction

Tablet-based visitor management systems help reduce the inevitable paperwork of business, electronically recording and storing details rather than relying on visitor welcome books, which then need to be entered into an electronic system or stored.

Visibility and Accountability

In addition to ensuring your business can see who is on the premises and why they are there at any given time, a tablet-based system allows you to go back and review this data. This can help identify trends that can further allow you to streamline or build your business.


Many tablet-based software systems also facilitate pre-registration. This enables guests to sign-in before they visit and access information like maps, documents and even security passes.

Flexibility and Growth

Lastly, a tablet-based system can help facilitate growth and expansion. It allows you to roll out the same system at multiple venues, which then enables a business to better track visitor numbers and delve further into these trends.

You can learn more about the stands and tablet enclosures which are best suited to tablet-based visitor management systems here.

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