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Who is SwipedOn?

SwipedOn is a cloud-based workplace and visitor management system that currently supports more than 35 million visitor and employee movements, in over 70 countries worldwide.

Designed for iPads, it allows an organisation to create a branded visitor and employee management system where staff and guests can sign-in and out.

The software features ID badge printing, contactless sign-in capability via QR codes, and email and SMS notifications of a visitor’s arrival.

It also screens guests and staff members by offering safety questionnaires and document signing prior to a guest being granted entry.

The iPad-based system is available with an accompanying SwipedOn pocket app for mobile phones, which allows employees to tap in and tap out.

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Made for compliance

The SwipedOn upload document feature has been created with business safety and compliance front of mind.

The tool allows a guest to scan a required document as they check into a facility and instantly upload it.

This makes the feature suitable for a wide range of document captures, such as any required licenses, proof of identity, vaccination status and more.

SwipedOn also notes it also allows for proof of protective equipment, with an organization able to request an image of any required equipment, such as hard hats, masks, steel cap boots or high visibility clothing.

How SwipedOn document upload works

The SwipedOn upload document feature is easy for visitors to use and simple for the system administrator to set up.

When a guest arrives on site, they simply commence the sign-in process on the iPad visitor kiosk directly or by scanning a QR code with their mobile phone.

As they answer the required questions prior to entry, the software then requests a copy of any relevant documents.

The guest can take a picture of these documents on their mobile phone or directly on the iPad.

Once the documents have been uploaded, the administrator receives an instant notification so they can swiftly verify the document and either approve or decline the visitor.

When it comes to setting up this feature, it is enabled in the SwipedOn visitor dashboard where administrators can create visitor types and prompt questions, checklists, and conditions that these visitors need to meet prior to entry.

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Who it’s for

The upload document feature is useful for any business or workplace where compliance is a factor.

SwipedOn notes it can be used to:


Capture licenses

If a visitor or contractor is required to have a license to operate onsite, it can be uploaded using this feature.

Examples include contractors who might need a forklift license, heavy vehicle license, trade certifications, first aid certificates, and more.


Proof of vaccination

The document upload feature now allows guests to scan their vaccination certificate so it can be uploaded to an organization’s system.

However, SwipedOn is also looking to take this a step further by having vaccination status instantly verified against the relevant health authority’s register.

SwipedOn notes the idea of a vaccine passport has been a point of discussion since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to the ability to scan and upload this proof, the software provider is also working with governments to have vaccination status automatically verified against an official register.

Their aim is to remove third-party tools and have this status instantly and automatically verified.

To complete this verification, they note SwipedOn must be integrated with each official API.

They have already implemented this type of vaccine verification system in New Zealand where SwipedOn has been working with the Ministry of Health.

“The first integration for the New Zealand Ministry of Health platform is live now and can be implemented via the vaccine validation field,” SwipedOn explains.

“This provides visitors with the ability to scan their vaccine pass when signing in.

“New Zealand vaccine passports are automatically verified using the Ministry of Health integration, this will return an approval notification if the pass is valid or invalid when approval notifications have been enabled.”


Personal protective equipment

Many workplaces require contractors and guests to have personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to comply with Workplace Health and Safety regulations.

The document upload feature allows guests to take an image of the required PPE, so the organization has proof of compliance.

You can learn more about SwipedOn at their website, or see our comprehensive software guide. Meanwhile, we have a range of iPad stands available to assist with the set-up of a visitor management system onsite.

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